Friday was a very busy day as we had our
first spelling and vocabulary test, as well as our first
PE day. The scholars took the leadership position and put up the new soccer nets. Our class has proved itself responsible enough to take on the tasks of leadership, a trend that I expect to continue throughout the year.
We are moving ahead in Math, and I am suggesting that if any scholar has an issue with their multiplication tables that they take care of it
IMMEDIATELY. Scholars should be readily able to pull up multiplication tables in their minds before entering sixth grade. This is a mandatory skill to be able to handle
Singapore Course One. We have a rigorous program this year and in order to be a success scholars need to know their tables, quickly!
Friday was our August Birthday celebration day.
Bella performed marvelously as she was "chaired" and brought in a luscious chocolate cake to end our day!
Happy Birthday Bella!
The cardboard project has proved to not be worth the work! Mr. Pope brought in a load that took quite a bit of energy to tear down and transport. It only yielded us $4. I believe we will come up with some other fund raising ideas. If you are able to help us out with a fundraiser, please contact
Mrs. Pope who has a couple ideas. We need to raise funds for
speech and debate and some other events this year, like our
coffeehouse and our
Lagoon Competition. We appreciate your help!
PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ANY MORE CARDBOARD. We will rethink and regroup! Thank you.
chocolate cake "Chance" debonaire.... |
Friends and chocolate, perfect combination! |
more please???? |
The birthday girl loves her daddy! |
never mind lunch.....this is PERFECT! |
Happy Birthday Bella! :) |
I'm exited to celebrate my B-day. It's next week I think?!!! :) 8p :^) :-)