Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spanakopita, Pomegranates, and Sparkling Grape Juice!

What a day full of Greek we had today! This morning we began writing our myths via the Scholastic Myth Writing Website. The scholars will be writing about lightening, thunder, snow, and twisters to name a few.....they should be very interesting!

We then reviewed for our math test tomorrow and got ready for our Greek Party. The scholars did a marvelous job with their costumes. They really rose to the occasion and impressed both of us teachers with their creativity. Enjoy the photos from today's event......

This evening scholars should be spending at least half an hour watching the first Presidential debate so that they can discuss what they saw in regards to domestic issues tomorrow. It's important that they know what these candidates stand for, and they are going to be writing their own three minute speech for a Republican or Democratic position.

They are also writing their intro to their essays tonight. They will be finishing them up tomorrow evening.

We will be taking our Unit 3 Math Test tomorrow. We will all be looking forward to the weekend!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jonah,

    You should know better...from now on comments that are misspelled or use improper English will be deleted! :) Go back and look again!

  3. Its where am I.
    (P.S. i said that in a whisper!)

  4. What a fabulous event! Thank you Mrs. Tracy for all of your hard work and thank you teachers for being FABULOUS!!
