Friday, June 14, 2013

De-oxy-ribo-nucleic-acid or DNA Day!

Today scholars learned about the code that defines every physical trait in each of our cells. We learned about Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, and Guanine, and how they pair up on the double helix to make our DNA code. We then extracted some DNA from blueberries, spinach (purple and green of course) and then strawberries. Scholars were challenged with an online game that demanded that they mix the proper cell parts in order to create a particular was rather entertaining actually! :)

matching game, mnemonic = apple tree; chewing gum

match as fast as you can!

grinding spinach and blueberries

filtering extra unnecessary parts


watching the strands of DNA connecting

adding phosphate

adding alcohol

stirring gently

strands becoming clear and evident so we can make slides

creating a "creature"

Come on Addie! You can do it!!!

Khylee got it!

strawberry DNA

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