Today's augmentation class dissected sea stars, or as we may call them, star fish...but they are not really fish! We learned about how they can regrow appendages (arms) and how they take in food with their two stomachs and digest. They have no brain, no heart, but they're still very interesting carnivores!
Scholars had to find all the anatomical parts and label them after dissection. They included, the mouth, anus, stomach, ring canal, vascular system, tube feet, and digestive glands.
preparing for surgery....:) |
measuring arms |
great view of digestive glands |
cutting through the skin |
cracking and cutting |
check this out! |
removing a stomach |
lifting the gonads |
moving a tube foot |
digestive glands |
internal structures |
stomach parts |
from anus to mouth with tweezers! |
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