Saturday, September 15, 2012

Photos on Monday! :)

Please remember our scholars will have their photos taken on Monday. These are uniform photos that will be used for the yearbook. We also have our Language NWEA at 8:30 a.m. Please be certain that your scholar has a healthy breakfast and is wide awake on Monday.

Friday was a hectic kind of day as we took our first Math Assessment, Spelling Test, Vocabulary Test, and had our first essays due. We spent some time with Julius, Brutus, and Portia (ask your scholars what she did to prove her love to Brutus) and enjoyed our PE class.

This coming week your scholars should be working on their projects that are due on the 24th. They should be done reading their biographies by now, and most have chosen what they are planning on producing for the project. Please note that if your scholar is dressing up, or acting anything out, that they need three minutes of material to share with the class about their particular hero. Please have them practice their presentation at home before coming on Monday. I am anxious to see what they are preparing. They sound intriguing so far.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. How can you look your best in a uniform? You're wearing your best and your worst uniform; they're all the same!

  2. Sweetheart, I don't expect the boys to come into school wearing a shirt with last Friday's lunch on it....that's all! ;). We would like you to look neat and clean for your yearbook picture. You will have graduation pictures taken later in the year!

  3. I don't know if my picture came out well! I AM WORRIED!

  4. I am quite certain that your photo will be pulchritudinous! :)

  5. What dose I mean does pulchritudinous mean???? Because that is a good word, I think?!?

  6. I just looked it up it means; physically beautiful; comely, its the perfect word for me. :) 8p


  7. Yes are just a pulchritudinous young man! :)
