Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Republicans and Democrats!

The scholars began focusing yesterday on the upcoming election for President. We are using our character time to investigate the character qualities of the candidates and form our own Democratic and Republican parties in class. Yesterday we began investigating the two main parties, studied some history behind them, and then discussed how we can RESPECT those party candidates even when we disagree with their view points. We then assigned the students to random groups (across all of 6th grade) and split them between the parties. The groups are in the process of designing their symbol, for the GFA Democrats and the GFA Republicans. They can not use the donkey and the elephant. Thursday they will put together their symbolism, explain to the entire group why they chose it, and begin putting together their platform.

They will then respectfully present speeches in their groups in order to nominate their candidate. At that point in time we will begin debates of the parties, and end the unit with our own mock election.

Please remember NWEA for Math is today, have your scholar eat a healthy breakfast! :)

Thank you!


  1. When she says respectful, she means it. NO BOING OR ELSE!!!!! Posted by Jonah Tamatea Tauraa

  2. mean "no booing" don't you? :)
